How to Write Essay in UPSC Exam
How to Write Essay in UPSC Exam
Out of 9 papers from the UPSC examination, one of the most important papers is an essay. Each candidate should write a 1000-1200 word essay in under three hours which is worth 125 points out of a possible 250. Essay exams can be stressful. You may draw a blank, run out of time, or find that you neglected an important part of the course in studying for the test. Of course, good preparation and time management can help you avoid these negative experiences. Essays written for UPSC exams consist of A and B, each with four essays to choose from, and the candidates must select only one essay from each section. A basic essay consists of three main parts: an introduction, body, and conclusion. Flexibility is also important. The topic of your academic paper and specific assignment guide should guide your writing and organization.
The topics given for the essays should be thoroughly read and understood before proceeding with your essay. This is the most important stage of the procedure in the preparation process. One of the four given topics should be chosen to compose an essay on it. When choosing a topic, make sure you know the most about it out of all the options. An essay is a common type of academic writing that you’ll likely be asked to do in UPSC exams too, Before you start writing your essay, make sure you understand the details of the assignment so that you know how to approach the essay and what your focus should be. Once you’ve chosen a topic, do some research and narrow down the main argument you’d like to make. From there, you’ll need to write an outline and flesh out your essay, which should consist of an introduction, body, and conclusion
Always try to choose a topic that is not sensitive to avoid controversy, make sure to examine all the topics thoroughly before proceeding to choose the best which will be easy for you to get through. Look at the question from the last exam to analyze the question and what it’s based on and prepare accordingly. The essay should be divided into paragraphs that follow the essay’s flow and architecture
Don’t use a tone that’s excessively negative in nature . Make good points and communicate new perspectives to get a good view of the essay
You can refer to the essays written in the newspapers and magazines to get a good overview of the work to be done with proper ‘Introduction’ and ‘Conclusion’ paragraphs.
Write in plain English with no grammatical faults and try to use impressive vocabulary to communicate your part well.
How to a Write Good Essay
It takes time and a good standard of practice to get better at something and it applies to essay writing too. A very good practice is required to ensure that your thoughts on the topics are correctly captured and brought to the essay. To get a good level of practice analysis on how to get a good essay needs to be made to make sure that we know what are the basic needs of a good essay, how to structure your thoughts, and how to make others understand the outline clearly are very much important.
Introduction of the essay :
One of the most crucial and detailed points to be looked after in an essay is the basic outline to help the reader get what the essay is about and what information will be covered in it . Essays follow the same guidelines for introductions as any other piece of writing, with an extra emphasis on presenting the thesis prominently, ideally in the topic sentence. By the end of your introduction paragraph, your reader should know without a doubt what your essay is about. From there, follow the conventional best practices on how to write an introduction. Before you proceed with the body of the essay, write an outline that summarizes your main supporting points. Check to make sure you are answering all parts of the question. Coherent organization is one of the most important characteristics of a good essay..So giving a good introduction to the essay and explaining the outline of the essay is very much important and it will be very useful to the structure of the essay based on the given topic, also uses quotes or personal experiences and stories to explain the topic or the meaning of it will be very useful to explain the topic easily and get the essay in a more lively manner. Think of as many as time allows, knowing that you’ll be able to set aside the ideas that don’t work later. If there are any grammatical or spelling errors, correct them. Isolate the ideas that are essential to support your thesis and then organize them in a logical and progressive order. In this stage, you’ll incorporate your essay structure, which we explain below. Only examples from your own experience do not have to be cited. If you want to include a mention of something that you have read, even if you are not using a direct quotation, it is best to reference the source of information. This way, your examples will be more convincing and form more reliable evidence of the points you wish to add to the topic. If you want empirical evidence track them down now. The heading must be short, concise, and clear. It should clearly state what your paper is about in the best way possible. It should also be interesting and catchy. The introduction of the essay needs to be brief and give the outline of the essay without causing any confusion.
Body: Essay for UPSC
The body of the essay is considered to be the easiest and at the same time the lengthiest part of an essay to be made. One can put all the ideas in your sentences to give a logical and detailed explanation of the topic, Usage of subheadings are also very useful to give a detailed explanation in a variety of ways. Because of the large number of essays that have to be graded, many instructors admit that they skim-read essays to get an idea if a student is competent in the topic and how well they have adhered to the style guidelines. Therefore, it is a good idea to structure your essay so the key points are visible when skim reading and are clear enough to get the message. Pay attention to both word choice and clarity, as well as sophisticated writing techniques like avoiding the passive voice. If you’re not confident in your point ensure it’s been avoided to make the essay more readable, clear, and concise by offering sentence structure and word choice suggestions, plus clarity revisions as you write. Subheadings not only make your answer more readable but also aid more liveliness to the essay. Pay close attention to how you organize your body paragraphs. Some arguments benefit from a logical progression, where one point leads to a second, and that second point leads to a third. Your essay should be smooth and coherent, leading the reader from one point to another. This is why you should use transitions in the phrases that help to connect each idea with the previous one, serving as bridges between paragraphs. This is the part of your assignment in which you need to explain and develop the main ideas of your topic. It comes after the introduction and before the conclusion. Almost always, this is the longest part of the paper. Start each paragraph with a topic sentence, then write down a supporting point for that idea, and end it by elaborating upon that idea. Remember that the reader doesn’t understand the topic as you do so organize your paragraphs in the way that’s best for their comprehension. Make a clear relationship between your opening and your essay’s body as the body of the essay should revolve and explain the subheadings given to it. Throughout the essay, the candidate must retain a positive attitude and avoid negative comments or points that can create a negative orientation or result in controversy.
Each paragraph must contain an argument or concept, as well as supporting evidence which always should be a correct factor or a figure. Always remember that your point of view is worthless unless it will just remain as a point until it is supported by solid evidence to justify your statement. Using facts and justifications from reliable government-oriented websites will help the essay to be more reliable and informative.
Always try to have a consecutive flow of information and facts related to each other to avoid creating negative in the essay.
Ending: Essay for UPSC
Next comes the closing of the essay, the conclusion part of the essay should be always hopeful and positive towards the essay topic. After that, write your hope what needs to be implemented or improved in it
You can try to finish it with an apt quotation if it fits with your explanation and does justice to it. Make sure the quote backs up what you’ve said and addresses your issue directly rather than providing an arguable statement. Use some of the words, phrases, or concepts from the explanation given above to make the conclusion have a connection with the essay written
You may also bring up relevant government programs and schemes if there’s any application that will also create an awareness of the program or the topic given for the discuss.No matter what you’re writing, your audience should be influenced by your language. For one thing, your readers determine whether the essay is formal or casual, which has an enormous impact on language, word choice, and style. After the paper is written, you need to reread what you’ve written and look for mistakes or typos. Do not forget to check for technical errors, grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Also, make sure to include transitions between paragraphs, so your writing flows smoothly instead of just jumping from one idea to another.
In the procedure of writing the essay, you can also include the speeches provided by leaders or well-known people which will also act in the favor of the essay. Using complicated sentences doesn’t indicate an elaborate writing style. Rather it may show your inability to convey information in a simple and readable format or to break the sentences in a logical way. What’re more, complicated sentences increase the risk of grammar errors and stylistic mistakes.
After proving the conclusion try to read the essay from beginning to end, underlining key phrases and words is also useful making it more creative. It always helps to collect your thoughts before you begin writing. Based on your prompt or topic try to generate as many ideas as possible to include in your essay. Ensure that the pages are neat and clean and good information are been shared throughout the essay Take a few minutes to re-read your essay. Correct grammatical mistakes, check to see that you have answered all parts of the question
Important UPSC Essay Topics
The UPSC mains consists of nine subjective papers, one of which is an essay. Candidates must prepare two UPSC essays on the assigned themes in the range of 1000-1200 words which carries 125 marks each totaling 250.From the above-given explanation, you can now know how to write an essay for UPSC IAS Exam with all the basic information covered. Let us now learn more about the many topics which are most commonly given in the UPSC examination of the past years.The following consists of the topics which are often been given in the UPSC exams, they are
Women’s empowerment, rural development, social justice, terrorism, and internal security, among other issues, are popular topics for essays, and UPSC Exam candidates should be ready with various ideas of the same to give the topic more informative and effective.
Other topics include Media & Society, the Economic sector, CAA Bill, State-to-state water disputes, Modi’s agricultural schemes, Environment, Education, etc.